Are your employees aware & trained periodically to proactively identify the signs of sexual harassment at workplace and report to the matter to the IC? Do they understand their role in creating and maintaining the safe workplace?
The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 mandates the employer to organise workshops and awareness programmes at regular intervals to sensitise the employees. eLearning module helps to cover the employee base across locations. Our highly engaging, interactive, animated, scenario-based and voice-guidedmodule is available in multiple Indian languages (English, Hindi, Marathi, Telegu, Tamil, Kannada, Bengali). Compatible with Desktop /laptop /mobile / tablet. HTML5 & flash support with flexible delivery model – SaaS / SCORM Package / enterprise license / LTI – based delivery. Customizable based on specific organisational needs.
Most valuable for all employees, managers, IC members and HR professional in the organisation.
1 hour
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