Coding Interview
Hire Smart Coders faster
Yes, we understand the challenges of aligning multiple Technical Rounds of interviews with coders and collating feedback from multiple stakeholders and then documentation for audit purposes.
SHL CodeMeet is an AI-powered online live coding interview with interactive IDE supporting 50+ programming languages. It provides AI-assisted insights on candidates code quality and state of mind, and full interview record and replay.

Highly Interactive and collaborative
Multiple hiring managers can log in into session and assess the candidate sending on-the-fly questions, chats, whiteboard messages, audio comments and feedback thereby immersively engaging with the interviewing candidate.

Al powered video Analytics
The Test report highlights stylistic errors, code insertion, single line or multi-line errors using the Al-powered coding insights

Enterprise Ready Technology
The platform is 100% cloud-based and hence highly scalable. It has multiple proctoring features include keystroke analytics, facial recognition, website and browser controls etc.

Audit Enablement
Full playback of entire interviews alongside a captured recruiter feedback helps for future reference.