Women make great business leaders. Still, they represent less than a quarter of leadership roles in the corporates. Let’s understand key challenges and how to overcome.


Most organisations suffer from the poor representation of women in leadership roles despite the best intentions and focussed efforts. While organisations may try to create a supportive environment, it’s clear that women leadership candidates need to take the baton in their hands, understand the key issues, and find out a way to navigate their way up the ladder. This programme will help potential women leaders understand common issues and approach to deal with the same.

Target Audience

Women employees at mid – senior level roles aspiring to grow in their leadership hierarchy, their managers and HR professionals


  • Awareness of the key challenges women face in their leadership roles & growth
  • Knowledge of key actions they can take to deal with these challenges
  • Ability to deal with imposters syndrome
  • Self awareness of unconscious bias
  • Ability to leverage tools like self visioning, professional networking and crucial conversation


  • Common challenges for women leaders in a corporate environment
  • Perceptions and dilemma
  • Approach to cope with these challenges
  • Imposters syndrome & tackling the same
  • How to engage in crucial conversations related to business situations
  • Role of organisation, leader & manager in creating an enabling environment that supports developing women leaders


  • F2F, Live Virtual Class & Webinar mode
  • Credits based attractive corporate scheme
  • Pick & choose from a ready list or we can create one for you
  • Facilitators with 15+ yrs. experience with deep subject knowledge & specialization

Optional Customisation

  • Duration of programs
  • Multiple sessions can be organised during the day
  • Training needs analysis prior to design and delivery for maximum program value and impact

Program Information


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