
november, 2023

02nov4:00 PM5:00 PMOn 2nd Nov 2023, 4.00 PM - Expert Panel Discussion - "Gender neutrality in the workplace - are we ready?"In this discussion, you will hear from experienced leaders who will share their insights and tips on the importance and challenges of creating gender-neutral workplaces.4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Register Now


Event Details

Gender neutrality in the workplace addresses gender-agnostic policies, facilities, language and infrastructure. But we also need affirmative action to promote less represented segments to reduce the current gender balance in the workplace. Are we ready to deal with this dilemma and adopt a gender-neutral approach in the workplace? Join us for a virtual expert panel discussion on the topic of “Gender neutrality in the workplace – are we ready?”. In this discussion, you will hear from experienced leaders who will share their insights and tips on the importance and challenges of creating gender-neutral workplaces.


(Thursday) 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

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